Let’s meet in Puglia!

Ubiquo & Partners, an office that thus takes on a national dimension, placing itself, as well as in the capital of Italy, Rome, in three areas of considerable interest for business and beyond: Sicily, a land of great tradition and history, but also a forge of brilliant minds, trade and lively companies; Veneto, the city chosen by Shakespeare to tell the greatest love, that of Romeo and Juliet, the land of Venice, but also the land of the most lively production and export not only of Italy, but of the whole of Europe; and finally Puglia, a land long discovered for the great tourist reception, that has always been an ideal bridge for trade and the sharing of culture between East and West; it is no coincidence that Taranto was founded by Sparta.

Let’s start with Puglia.

The geographical position of the Puglia region has always made it a privileged place for trade relations with the countries bordering the Mediterranean. Propensity towards trade that is favored by three important commercial ports: Taranto, Bari, and Brindisi. If Taranto is a large port, with a very strong vocation for freight traffic, Bari is, instead, the first port for passenger transport on the Adriatic. The region also has two international airports: Bari Palese and Salento Airport in Brindisi.

The driving sector of the region is undoubtedly tourism. The tourist vocation of the region finds its maximum expression in the offer of stays and proposals for summer holidays, which attractnational and international tourists, who have over time also been interested in rural and cultural tourism.

Agriculture is equally important in the Apulian economy. The region excels, in fact, in Europe to produce olive oil and table grapes, as well as durum wheat and tomato.  The production of artichoke, lettuce, fennel, celery, and cabbage also stand out.

Thanks to its more than 800 km of coastline, the Puglia region also boasts an excellent vocation for fishing. Taranto stands out for its renowned mussel farming, a particularly flourishing sector, which employs many people.

Industry is, however, also a protagonist in Puglia, so much to place it as the most industrialized region of the South. The three most developed industrial centers are Bari, Brindisi, and Taranto. In Bari there are important international companies operating in the mechanical sector. The Brindisi area, on the other hand, is a leader in the aeronautical and aerospace sector, with constant commitment to production and research, with reference to the sectors of nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, and mechatronics. Brindisi is also characterized by the presence of important groups in the energy sector.

The city of Taranto has been a leader in the steel industry, thanks to the presence of a giant in the sector, which has produced a considerable economic spin-off in the area and has favored the formation of other industrial activities.

Although the region is the largest national producerof electricity, it is experiencing a considerable increase in renewable sources, with reference to the wind and solar energy sectors.

Defined as the Silicon Valley of the South Europe, Puglia is increasingly a reference for the excellence of IT companies, which record excellent levels of turnover.

We are ready to welcome you in Puglia, to discover its beauty and its business opportunities.